Saturday 1 September 2012

I strongly Dislike My ex-BFF. -.-

All I did was Un-BFF her because she hardly talked to me and My Sista From Another Mother 
Asked to be my BFF. -.-
She was DEFFO over-reacting


  1. I strongly dislike you. Your acting like a 2 year old posting on your blog just to make me look bad. Yeah I my have over reacted. But you just went over the top. Learn to spell

    ~ DiamondDoesNotCareSoSitInTheCornerAndWaitForMeTo

  2. And, epo is epic people only. Atleast Im not dumb. Just because you have a blog and fancy words to defend you. Doesnt mean Im gonna look like the bad guy.

    I wish I knew where you lived so I could punch your face in ^·^

  3. I'm putting that on my blog too!
    So now not only do you constantly down-grade people and abuse their Intelligence,
    But now you Stalk people and threaten to Severely Injure them!
    Oh What A Good friend. ^-^

  4. God, your taking this way too seriously.

    Ever heard of sarcasim. Your probablly sitting behind your computer hoping to get me hated. Just because you have blog that hardly anyone looks at. Let lone comments.

    So don't be dillusional little girl -.-

  5. Nobody comments on your blog what the fuck.
    I've almost got over 2000 pageviews and people from other countries are now looking at my blog. .____.

    You probably sit behind your computer screen hoping to get liked. But Not many people know you, let alone like you.

    dont be a stupid little girl -.-

  6. Sorry for coming in, but... shes not on your blog account. Its hers because your not her bff anymore.
    And... you ruined our friendship, I stick up for people who are nice to meeh. ^0^
